How To Practice Music More Effectively

In this video lesson, I will explain to you what I feel is the most important concept you need to know in order to practice music more effectively.

This method is something I have had great success with in my own personal music study and have seen similar results with my private students.

The key is to practice in a way that helps your brain learn a new skill as quickly as possible. It doesn't matter if this skill is a new technique challenge, music theory memorization or even a new sound you are trying to train you brain to hear, say the sound of a dominant 7th chord. In every case, the brain learns in the same manner.

Using this knowledge, I have been able to craft a practice routine for myself that forces the brain to focus on this new task multiple times a day.

When I create custom practice routines for the students in my GL365 Academy, I also use this organizational concept I explain in this video. The feedback I have received after they have tried it has been tremendous.

I hope this way of organizing your practice routine will give you similar results.

Thanks for watching!


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How To Practice Music More Effectively


  1. Evan Floyd on May 22, 2019 at 9:40 am

    Hey Carl,

    After watching this video six, seven, eight times, I have a quick question. My all time favorite song is Love Don’t Prove I’m Right by The Babys. I’ve listened to that song so many times, but can’t figure out the opening riff. I’ve just started out and am using your lessons as a guide line. I have figured out the solo for the song, it’s fairly simple, but still can’t get that opening. It is SO ANNOYING. If you could help me out with this I would greatly appreciate. I’m not a member yet, but plan on joining soon.

    Many thanks,

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