Playing Guitar While Standing – Student Spotlight

Ever had a guitar lesson on how to play standing up from a guy sitting down? Well here is your chance! Haha!!

But on a more serious note, the differences between playing a guitar while sitting and standing can be pretty extreme if you don't position yourself correctly.

As I mention in the video, how you set your strap (length and angle) really depends on what type of things you will be playing.

If you are a punk rocker bashing out power chords, you can probably get away with you guitar hanging pretty low. A lot of those players prefer that look as well and that has a lot to do with it.

However, you will notice that most of the players that play more technical forms of music prefer to have their guitars really high up and the neck angled upward. This position promotes a healthy wrist position which is relatively straight. With a straight wrist you can more easily perform large stretches along with keeping your hand and fingers relaxed and coordinated.

So what I try to get Mendy to do here is to focus mostly on his fret-hand wrist and adjust everything around it. You don't want to have to severely arch your wrist to play wider stretches or barre chords on the guitar. If that is the case, then there needs to be an adjustment made to how the guitar is strapped on you.

I also talk about how the fret-hand needs be dynamic when playing. It will have multiple positions when playing different techniques. But no matter what those techniques are, keeping the wrist as straight and relaxed as you can will not only help your technical ability on the guitar, but also prevent you from injuring yourself.

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Playing Guitar While Standing - Student Spotlight

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