10s Guitar Lesson – Pantera
In this guitar lesson video for 10s, I will show you how to play this great song by Pantera note-for-note.
The tuning is D standard. However, as per usual with Dimebag, he preferred to use a lower Hertz frequency than is typically used in western music. Standard concert pitch is usually A=440Hz. But Dimebag preferred to tune to lower Hertz settings like A=437Hz, or 432Hz or even 425Hz depending on the album. For 10s, the lower Hz setting makes it sound like D standard about a quarter step flat. So essentially halfway between C# standard and D standard. I will be teaching the lesson in normal concert pitch A=440 tuned to D standard.
To tune your guitar to D standard the notes will be, starting from the 6th string, D G C F A D.
This is one of the easier Pantera songs when it comes to the rhythm guitar parts at least. I will take you through each section of the song in the order that each appears on the original recording.
We will also take an in-depth look at Dimebag's amazing guitar solo note-for-note. This one is truly one of his best solos so don't miss it!
Have fun with this one and R.I.P Dime and Vinnie! Carl...
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