Guitar Barre Chords Pt.2

In this lesson we will focus on playing barre chords that use only five strings. This is slightly more difficult because now you have to mute the one string that you do not want to sound.

The video slowly breaks down how to do this.

Make sure you are also practicing these chords by playing through them one string at a time to make sure that there are no dead or muted strings somewhere in the chord.

If you take great care to listen to and analyze your playing, you will be able to perfect these chords very quickly.

Here is the PDF download for the barre chords if you don't have it already.

Barre Chords PDF

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Guitar Barre Chords Pt.2

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  1. Kenny Gholson on February 1, 2012 at 9:24 am

    I’ve played bass for a number of years I retired and decided to learn to play guitar and would like play lead guitar it’s like learning a new lagauge
    but your lessions seem to start me in the roght place

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