Exotic Scales For Guitar Pt.2

In this second video guitar lesson on exotic scales for guitar we will take a look at a 5 more scales from various regions around the world. All of these scales are highly usable in an infinite number of musical situations. Of these 5 scales taught in this lesson there are a couple personal faves of mine so watch the video below to find out what those are. 🙂 As before, if you like the sound of any of the scales played in this video be sure to use the scale formulas that I provide in order to create your own scale forms all over the fretboard of that particular scale. Download the TAB PDF for this lesson below. Exotic Scales For Guitar Pt.2 TAB PDF Hope you guys are enjoying the exotic scale studies. There is just one more video to go! Cheers!

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Exotic Scales For Guitar Pt.2


  1. Richard Trottier on March 22, 2012 at 3:43 am

    Another cool lesson …..tnx

  2. dan on April 10, 2012 at 10:20 pm

    Thank you for all the great lessons. They are some of the best I’ve come across. My potential thanks you for helping let it out.

    • Carl Brown on April 11, 2012 at 12:42 pm

      Hey Dan, thanks a bunch for the kind comment. Many more lessons are on the way!

      Cheers! Carl..

  3. Ian Parker on July 13, 2012 at 4:06 pm

    Okay, got it, this was really bothering me. Here it goes:

    Iwato = Locrian(1, b2, 4, b5, b7)
    Asian Ionian?? (1, 3, 4, 6, 7) <= Not included
    Japanese = Phrygian(1, b2, 4, 5, b6)
    Chinese = Lydian(1, 3, #4, 5, 7)
    Hirajoshi = Aeolian(1, 2, b3, 5, b6)
    kokin joshi = phrygian without min 3rd and min 6th
    Egyptian = dorian pentatonic scale

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