Joe Bonamassa Style Bending Tricks

In this video guitar lesson we will take a look at some cool bending techniques used by the great Joe Bonamassa in his playing.

Whether Joe Bonamassa is playing blues or rock he always seems to be able to craft interesting musical lines from otherwise standard blues based guitar licks.

One of the ways he does this is by his creative use of bent notes within his lead guitar lines. By themselves they may seem like a basic or ordinary technique, but woven into a seamless guitar line they can make even the most standard guitar lines sound much more interesting. His lead lines just seem to come alive so to speak.

These little bending tricks should be pretty straight forward and easy to understand. The tough part is making sure that your intonation with the bends, especially the pre-bends, is as accurate as possible.

So have fun with the little "Like Of The Week" lesson on the playing style of the great Joe Bonamassa and take it easy on those calluses. 🙂

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Joe Bonamassa Style Bending Tricks


  1. vincent riofrio on November 28, 2012 at 12:41 pm

    have you ever thought about petar haycock’s mighty fire climax blues band i’am sure you will love it that would be in my bucket list thanks a fan

  2. Ian Gillies on October 8, 2015 at 9:43 pm

    I really like Joe Bonamassa’s stuff. Do you think you could do some of his songs? I’ve been wanting to learn “Mountain Time” for a while now but I can’t find anything. If you can do that, that would be great. Thanks.

  3. Tom Waters on February 22, 2021 at 10:24 pm

    That is one the best blues leads I’ve ever heard! Rollin’ Home also.

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