Joe Satriani Style Tapping Guitar Lesson Pt.1 – Midnight
This free video guitar lesson is on the tapping style of Joe Satriani. The style of tapping that I am focusing on in this video is the one he used in the song "Midnight".
This Joe Satriani style of tapping involves hammering on with two fingers in both hands. Because of this you are able to tap out arpeggio voicings that span very large distances across the fretboard.
Make sure you download the Free Tab PDF so you can more easily follow along with the video. You can download the TAB PDF below:
Joe Satriani Style Tapping Guitar Lesson Pt 1 TAB PDF
After learning the little etude I wrote and performed in the video lesson in order to demonstrate this technique, try and come up with your own arpeggio voicings and sequences. You will be surprised how easy in can be to create some really cool musical passages very quickly.
Joe Satriani uses many different tapping techniques, so be sure to check out the other Joe Satraini style videos at to learn more about his style of playing.
Have Fun!
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Joe Satriani Style Tapping Guitar Lesson Pt.1 - Midnight
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Thankyou for teaching us this two handed tapping and hammering technique ….the technique itself is also very inspired by the Chapman Stick Bass Technique…remarkable music…and technique…a very inspirational composition..thankyou
Hi, what’s up? I’m from Brazil, my name is Leandro and like your website beacause this is many lesson the guitar.
Congratulations for the work as this helping much…
Thank you…
Whoa id never seen anything like this before! I’ve been playing guitar for three years, and i’ve played almost every Van Halen song there is, even Eruption Live. in this one part in eruption live I saw Eddie do something very similar to this and he would do two finger tapping, and pull offs. I never knew how to do that, but this lesson helps a tonnnn. I thought I knew all there was to know about tapping, but you discover something new everyday huh?
Thanks Carl!
Easily the best guitar teacher on the internet!