Shape Of My Heart Guitar Lesson – Sting

In this Shape Of My Heart guitar lesson video, I will show you how to play this beautiful song written by Sting and guitarist Dominic Miller it its entirety.

The tuning is standard tuning, E A D G B E.

The gorgeous main riff is played fingerstyle and has a hypnotic quality about it. I will be demonstrating multiple ways to play this riff. As I state in the video, Dominic originally played this riff in a higher position of the guitar when he first recorded it. After that, when he played the song live, he changed the location of where he played the riff for multiple reasons.

I will show you how to play both versions so you can decide which version is the best for you.

I will take you through each section of the song in the order that each appears on the original recording.

The guitar I am playing in this video is a 2015 Cedar Double Top made by Fritz Mueller.

Have fun learning this amazing song by Sting and guitarist Dominic Miller! Carl...

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Shape Of My Heart Guitar Lesson - Sting

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