Take Your Whiskey Home Guitar Lesson – Van Halen

In this Take Your Whiskey Home guitar lesson video, I will show you how to play this great song off of Van Halen's Women and Children First album note-for-note.

The tuning is Eb standard. That is, starting from the 6th string, Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb. Or if your tuner reads sharps instead of flats, D# G# C# F# A# D#.

Eddie starts things off with a super cool yet challenging acoustic blues. Even though we rarely heard Eddie do something like this, he still shines like a grand master of the form. It has a killer groove with lots of tricky double stops. It can be difficult to get that same swing Ed does, so I will give a very important tip at the beginning to show how you can get closer to it.

From there, the electric guitar parts kick in and are much more simplified than the acoustic stuff. Very restrained by Van Halen standards. So if you got through the acoustic section, you will get through the electric riffs just fine.

So far we have covered Eddie in unfamiliar territory with the acoustic blues and restrained electric rhythm sections. That all changes in a big way once the two solos come around. These solos are full on Eddie through-and through. The second solo especially has many of the much loved "Eddieisms" we have all enjoyed for decades including, muted rakes, slippery legato phrases, monster stretches (Eddie typically angled his guitar neck completely vertical in order to be able to play these stretches), fiery blues licks and HUGE bends.

So, Have Fun. HAHA. 🙂 Carl....

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Take Your Whiskey Home Guitar Lesson - Van Halen

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