Wait Guitar Lesson – White Lion

In this Wait guitar lesson video, I will take you through all of Vito Bratta's amazing guitar work for this White Lion classic note-for-note.

The tuning is standard tuning, E A D G B E.

Vito's guitar playing has always made him one of the most respected guitar players of the 80's and early 90's. He had a completely unique style that explored the guitar in ways that completed enthralled (and intimidated) every guitar player back then.

He garnered praise from just about every other famous guitar hero, including Eddie Van Halen. But then he just seemed to vanish into thin air to live a life out of the spotlight.

Lucky for us, he left a small amount of incredible guitar work, part of which is my favorite song of his, "Wait".

There are some very cool and unique guitar riffs in this one and an abundance of twelve-string acoustic sections as well. I will take you through all of those in the order that each appears on the original recording.

But, the real star of the show for this lesson will be Vito's unbelievable guitar solo. The guitar solo in "Wait" is sort of a high watermark of the 80's hair metal scene. It is just so musical yet very technically demanding and is perfect in every way. I will show you how to play the entire thing note-for-note!

I hope you guys enjoy this in-depth look at the playing of one the most important rock guitar players to every live, Vita Bratta! Carl...

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Wait Guitar Lesson - White Lion


  1. Rick Mooney on January 23, 2022 at 12:28 am

    Fantastic. No many have the courage to take this one on note for note. Etched in my memory is Vito from about four rows back totally mesmerized. Thank you for this great tutorial

  2. Dan Heenan on February 13, 2022 at 7:38 am

    Wild! I had just finished my after-work Hair Metal decompression session and heard this song from a band that I really liked back in the 80’s/90’s. I was thinking “There’s no way that Carl would have a lesson on Vito, would he?” Lo and behold, here it is.

    That version of “Radar Love” they did was fantastic. You’re right. I never really knew that much about this band, and then poof. Nothing.

    Thanks a bunch for this super fun one. I’ll probably be working on it for the next several months 🙂

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