Your Decision Guitar Lesson – Alice In Chains

In this Your Decision guitar lesson video, I will show you how to play this great song off of Alice In Chains' Black Gives Way To Blue album.

The tuning is Eb standard. That is, starting from the 6th string, Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb.

I will go through each chord progression in the order that each appears on the original recording. Even though I will be demonstrating the chords on acoustic guitar, there is also an electric guitar strumming the chords for most of the song as well. So just use whichever guitar type you want.

After going through all of the chords, I will then grab my strat and go through all of the guitar fills and Jerry Cantrell's main solo note-for-note.

I hope you guys enjoy learning this great Alice In Chains song! Carl...

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Your Decision Guitar Lesson - Alice In Chains

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