2 Minutes to Midnight Guitar Lesson – Iron Maiden

In this 2 Minutes to Midnight guitar lesson video series, I will show you how to play this classic from the great Iron Maiden in it's entirety.

We will be using standard tuning just like the original recording.

I will break this up into two video lessons. The first lesson will cover all of the rhythm guitar parts. There is a lot to cover here with tons of cool riffs. Some of these can be pretty challenging to get up to speed as well.

I will break down each rhythm guitar part in the order that it appears in the song.

In the second video lesson, I will show you Dave Murray and Adrian Smith's guitar solos note-for-note.

As always, they have some really cool licks to learn and it will probably take some practice to get everything up to speed.

I hope you enjoy learning this Iron Maiden classic!


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2 Minutes to Midnight Guitar Lesson Pt.1 - Rhythm Guitar Parts

2 Minutes to Midnight Guitar Lesson Pt.2 - Guitar Solo


  1. Michael Nissly on May 14, 2017 at 12:15 pm

    Wow carl your really nailed this. thank you. Also could you do me a small order?? could you learn The rime of the acient mariner,wrathchild,phantom of the opera and my favorite song ACES HIGH!

    • Carl Brown on May 17, 2017 at 10:21 am

      Hey Michael, I think Aces High will probably be my next one from them 🙂

  2. Daniel on May 16, 2017 at 10:50 am

    Sweet lesson, I love to learn the solos. Is there any chance you could do a lesson on The Gift of Music by Dream Theater? and while you are at it (that makes transcribing sound easy but its not) maybe you could do lessons on Our New World and Wither also by Dream Theater. I tried to transcribe (is that what you call it?) the solo from Wither but then I found out that John Petrucci was using a baritone guitar. I did manage to make it sound right but in not satisfied, but I digress. thanks for all the work you do.

    • Carl Brown on May 17, 2017 at 10:36 am

      Hey Daniel, I would be happy to transcribe anything that is requested enough.

      For something like Dream Theater though, I would need to see a lot of interest in it since it would be a lot of work on my end. 🙂

      • Daniel on May 18, 2017 at 12:19 pm

        yeah right now I am in the process of transcribing the first solo from our new world, its pretty tough. how do you transcribe the songs for your videos? because I just slow down the youtube video and slowly find the notes but when it gets really fast it is nearly impossible. is there a better way of doing this?

        • Carl Brown on May 20, 2017 at 11:18 am

          I like the software called Transcribe by Seventh String. It allows you to slow the notes down to 25% while retaining the pitch. Also, it lets you loop any section of the song you are focusing on so you can focus on the notes and not constantly clicking the mouse. You can import just about any file type including videos. 🙂

          • Daniel on May 22, 2017 at 11:03 am

            thanks so much, sadly I can’t download it because my computer is a chromebook but I did find an app called ‘tempo slow’ that I put on my ipad that works ok. It says that it gets down to 20% but I have a hard time believing that ’cause good ol’ John Petrucci still sounds pretty darn quick.

  3. Rich Schmidt on May 5, 2018 at 10:26 pm

    This is great! More Maiden Carl ! Thanks!

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