Bring It On Home Guitar Lesson – Led Zeppelin
In this Bring It On Home guitar lesson video, I will show you how to play the final song off of Led Zeppelin II note-for-note.
The tuning is standard tuning, E A D G B E.
The opening and closing sections of Bring It On Home are based around Willie Dixon's original composition. The middle section is an original composition by Led Zeppelin.
The opening and closing sections are based around a strict I IV V blues progression. The outro contains some cool closing licks as well.
But the riffs in the full band section, that were written by Led Zeppelin, are the star of the show here for me!
I will take you through each riff in the order that each appears on the original recording.
I hope you guys enjoy learning this one! Carl...
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Bring It On Home Guitar Lesson - Led Zeppelin
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Dang I’m super slow really slow first time picking up guitar .I want to learn this song first only picking up on using the first part for how ever long it should take me.can you will you send me some link on what the cords are between the begining part between the first lick and wear to use my fingers on which strings open and closed cords slow so I can get some practice picking the right cords.jameshelg@live .com awesome.hey Joe..