D.O.A. Guitar Lesson – Van Halen
In this D.O.A. guitar lesson video, I will show you how to play this great song off of Van Halen II note-for-note.
The tuning is Eb standard tuning. That is, starting from the 6th string, Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb.
The main riff of "D.O.A." is one of my Van Halen riffs. It just has a killer groove to it and really carries the song from beginning to end.
I will cover each riff in the order that each appears on the original recording. Each verse section is slightly different due to the fact the Eddie plays different fills each time. I will demonstrate each verse separately along with those fills.
I will also tackle each of Eddie's solos note-for-note. As always, Eddie's solos are wildly inventive and challenging to play. But of course, well worth the effort!
Have fun learning this awesome early Van Halen song.
R.I.P. King Eddie! Carl...
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D.O.A. Guitar Lesson - Van Halen
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Over the Mountain the other day and now DOA – are you able to read my thoughts? Fantastic as always. Bravo!