Hells Bells Guitar Lesson – AC/DC

The twin guitar attack of Malcolm and Angus Young have conjured up countless rock anthems and in these video lessons we are going to take a look at one of their finest "Hells Bells".

The intro to "Hells Bells" contains an arpeggiated picking sequence that also serves as the chorus. It is pretty simple to play except for the quick shifts down to the short power chords that end the riff. You may have to isolate that shift in your practice to get it down smoothly.

There is a some really nice hard rock rhythm guitar work going on throughout the whole song. It has the kind of groove that AC/DC is well known for and provides a steady driving pulse throughout the entire song.

In this Hells Bells guitar lesson video I will be teaching you all the riffs and solos in their entirety note-for-note!

Whenever there are two rhythm guitar parts being played together I do cover both of them in the riff video lesson. That generally happens coming out of the intro riff.

As with any AC/DC song, it is very important to keep the rhythm guitar parts very tight. Malcolm Young has long been considered one of the greatest rock rhythm guitarists of all time and for good reason.

The guitar solo for "Hells Bells" is simply killer. The first half contains a bunch of really cool bluesy double stop licks before Angus Young launches into his typical high pyrotechnic blues based soloing. It is a very catchy solo that is singable the whole way through while still containing plenty of flashy guitar stuff.

The outro solo is more of the same starting with a repeated melodic phrase that launches into a more extended soloing section. It is great fun to play and an excellent study for any guitar player.

Because of the soloing involved with playing "Hells Bells", I would put it at an upper intermediate to advanced level. The rhythm guitar parts wouldn't require that level of ability to pull of so those would be great for just about anyone.

So take your time and have fun learning this AC/DC classic. You will be well rewarded with some serious guitar chops if you do. 🙂


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Hells Bells Guitar Lesson Pt.1 - All The Riffs

Hells Bells Guitar Lesson Pt.2 - Solo


  1. Marc on September 19, 2014 at 9:43 am

    Excellent! and timely, as it seems Malcolm Young will be retiring from playing, unfortunately.

    Many thanks!

  2. Achim Fiebes on September 22, 2014 at 2:17 pm


    great work. I have got a request for a song I am searching desperately for some time. It is ‘People get ready’ in the version of Jeff Beck/Rod Stewart. There a nearly all songs I know in the one or other lesson form on You tube, but this one not. I think it would be nice if you could do it because the tasty playing in it shows everything what makes Jeff Becks playing so unique.


  3. frank paparo on September 3, 2015 at 7:17 pm

    Hey Carl
    Mabey you can help me, I am very much into AC DC I am learning all their songs you’re putting out from front to back. I am trying to achieve the sound, I don’t know if you’re familiar with Wampler pedals? they have one called plexidrive and I really wanted to know your opinion. I don’t have all the big sound machines or anything like that I’m just looking for a simple pedal that will give me that British crunch sound any recommendations from your experience would really help

    • Carl Brown on September 4, 2015 at 2:25 pm

      Hey Frank, unfortunately I don’t have any experience with that pedal. Did you look for some review videos of it on YouTube?


  4. frank paparo on September 4, 2015 at 9:29 pm

    I will Def check it out, also I texted you a while ago, in highway to hell he has an intro solo on his video on utube vevo video as he’s rising on the stage, any chance of u doing that

  5. Andrew Witts on September 14, 2015 at 10:24 pm

    Hi Carl,
    Greetings from Australia!
    Thanks for another great lesson.
    Thanks to your site I’ve gone from picking up the guitar once or twice a year to now playing every day.
    I wonder if you have any plans to do a lesson for Ride On from their Dirty Deeds album, the solo sounds like a lot of fun.



  6. Michael Ansel on November 3, 2019 at 5:31 pm

    Any chance of teaching Bad Company’s “No Smoke Without a Fire”?

  7. Chris Lehmann on November 7, 2019 at 3:10 pm

    Great lesson. The part with the B string at 13 and the hammer on and pull off at 14 on the G is so frustrating to get down to the speed you’re playing at. Going to take some repetition practice on that one.

    Thanks Carl

  8. Michael Ansel on December 9, 2019 at 5:12 pm

    Something by Survivor or Triumph?

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