I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing Guitar Chords – Aerosmith

In this I Don't Want to Miss a Thing guitar chords lesson, I will show you a simple acoustic guitar arrangement of Aerosmith's biggest hit.

I will be using a standard tuned acoustic throughout the lesson.

The guitar chords you will find in "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" are pretty easy and mostly stick with basic open position chords.

The area few basic bar chords as well, so an absolute beginner may have trouble if they aren't adept at playing bar chords yet. If that is the case, check out my lessons on playing barre chords so you can get those up to speed quickly.

I will go through the song section-by-section in the same order that each section appears in the song.

There are some really nice sounding chord progressions that work well even with just one acoustic guitar. If it is just a basic open position chord I will simply call out it's name and play it, however, if the chord form is a but more unusual, I will break it down and show you how to play it note-for-note.

In any case, I hope you guys enjoy learning this massive hit from Aerosmith!


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I Don't Want to Miss a Thing Guitar Chords - Aerosmith


  1. Rodney Turpel on December 21, 2021 at 3:08 am

    Hi Carl- Thanks for your hard work and all you do! I was wondering if I could make a couple suggestions for your song lessons page. Aerosmith- Mama Kin, Doobies- Rockin down the Highway, Styx- Fooling yourself. Thanks so much for your time and Merry Christmas!

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