Michael Jackson – Dirty Diana Guitar Lesson

In this Dirty Diana guitar lesson video, I will show you how to play all of this Michael Jackson classic note-for-note.

The tuning will be Eb tuning, starting from the 6th string Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb.

I will take you through the two riffs (verse, chorus) that make up the rhythm work for Dirty Diana, followed by the two solos recorded by Steve Stevens.

The rhythm guitar tracks were recorded in the studio by Paul Jackson Jr. and David Williams. The clean guitar verse riff is tuned to Eb, so for that reason I have decided to show you how to play the entire song in Eb tuning.

That clean guitar riff can be very tricky rhythmically. I think it makes a great rhythm guitar exercise.

The chorus riff is much easier to play and has a great feel to it as well.

The two solos by Steve Stevens have some very challenging and unorthodox guitar licks in them, especially the main guitar solo.

I will break each of these solos down phrase-by-phrase so that hopefully you will be able to piece them together quickly.



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Dirty Diana Guitar Lesson - Michael Jackson


  1. Alex on February 5, 2021 at 8:27 am

    Hey, I was wondering if I could get some help on this track. There is just one bit of the song that I don’t think is covered in your video and it’s right at the start. The pattern for the verse is as you say in the video, but on the very first one, from listening to the song it’s slightly different and I can’t for the life of me work it out from listening to it, I wondered if you could possibly advise me on this. No worries if not. Your videos are awesome and really useful! Cheers

  2. Alex on February 5, 2021 at 2:56 pm

    Hey, I was wondering if I could get some help on this song. I have been working my way through your video and it’s brilliant so thank you for that. There is just one bit of the song that I don’t think is covered in your video and it’s right at the start. The pattern for the verse is as you say in the video, but on the very first one, from listening to the song it’s slightly different and I can’t for the life of me work it out from listening to it, I wondered if you could possibly advise me on this. No worries if not. Your videos are awesome and really useful! Cheers 🤘🏻

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