Paranoid Guitar Lesson – Black Sabbath

Today's lesson is a special one because I am going to show you how to play ALL of the riffs and solo in "Paranoid" by Black Sabbath. 🙂

And what is also really cool about this Paranoid guitar lesson is that it is one of the easier Black Sabbath songs you will run across.

In the first video lesson I will break down each guitar riff note-for-note and demonstrate any specific techniques required to play them.

As I said before, I think this song can be played by beginner guitar players if they want to give it a try. Of course if you are a total beginner, everything will be challenging to a point. But, if you have any guitar experience at all you will probably find that learning how to play "Paranoid" will be a piece of cake.

That isn't to say that Tony Iommi's riffs aren't great, in fact some of the riffs found in "Paranoid" are considered to be some the greatest hard rock riffs ever written. It just goes to show you that simplicity can be extremely effective if used correctly.

Having said that, the solo for "Paranoid" is anything but easy. You will have to be at least an intermediate level player before attempting it. The solo contains a lot of fast blues licks that move across the fretboard quite rapidly.

The most difficult task will probably be getting all of those fast bends together. As always, learning the solo phrase by phrase like I teach it in the lesson is the way to go. That will let you focus on the individual difficulties that each part has before combining them all into one large piece of music.

In the solo to "Paranoid", Tony Iommi is using an octave pedal plus a couple other effects to get his tone. It sounds like two guitarists but it isn't, he is just playing the same thing I teach in the solo video lesson and the octave pedal is creating that additional solo line with him.

The first video covers all the classic riffs and the second video will teach you how to play the solo.

So I hope you guys enjoy learning some of the most classic guitar riffs ever written by Tony Iommi and the great Black Sabbath. 🙂


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Paranoid Guitar Lesson Pt.1 - All The Riffs

Paranoid Guitar Lesson Pt.2 - Guitar Solo


  1. Caleb Clifton on February 22, 2017 at 1:56 pm

    Hey Carl, just joined last week and I’m loving the site. Your tutorials are precise, yet very easy to follow. I would like to respectfully request more Sabbath jams if you ever get around to it. Thanks for keeping us playing!

  2. Hans Fredrikzohn on April 5, 2019 at 11:48 pm

    Thanx! You are a really good pedagogue!

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