Right Now Guitar Lesson – Van Halen – Famous Riffs
In this Right Now guitar lesson video, I will show you how to play all of this Van Halen hit note-for-note.
The tuning is standard tuning. I will be not only be transcribing all of Eddie Van Halen's guitar parts, but I will also show you how to play the piano sections of the guitar as well.
Performing the opening piano riff on the guitar is a nice challenging. It makes for an excellent picking workout to!
After the opening piano based riff, I will then go through each guitar riff in the order that each appears on the original recording. There are some really great laid back riffs in this one.
For the chorus riff, I will be sort of combining a couple of different guitar overdubs into one playable riff. The guitar on the recording during the chorus and what Eddie plays live are a bit different, so there isn't a lot to work off of by watching the live performance if you are trying to match the original recording like I am trying to do in the lesson.
I will also tackle Eddie's awesome solo note-for-note. Lots of cool stuff in this one and some of the licks are very challenging to get up to tempo. Of course, that is always the case with Eddie. 🙂
I hope you guys enjoy learning this one!
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