Suzanne Guitar Lesson – Leonard Cohen
In this Suzanne guitar lesson video, I will show you how to play this beautiful fingerstyle acoustic classic by Leonard Cohen in it's entirety.
On the original recording, Leonard Cohen played a nylon string aocustic guitar in standard tuning. I will be using the same setup for this video lesson. However, feel free to play the song on a steel string acoustic as well, it will still sound great.
The entire song is based around just four different chords. There is also a repeated fingerpicking pattern used throughout 95% percent of the song. If you can play that fingerpicking pattern across all four chord shapes, then you can pretty much play "Suzanne".
However, there are a few variations on the picking pattern that Leonard Cohen throws in there as well. I will cover those slight variations in detail so you can play exactly what he plays if you wish.
Towards the end of the video lesson, I will break down the entire chord progression along with how many times the picking pattern is played for each chord. You may want to write it down as I go through it.
After you get the long chord progression memorized, the entire song is simply that exact same chord progression played 3 times in a row.
In any case, I hope you guys enjoy learning some cool fingerpicking chops while playing this beautiful song by the late great Leonard Cohen.
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Suzanne Guitar Lesson - Leonard Cohen
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I really coulda used this in 1968, lol
Thanks very much Carl! neat picking pattern and classic great song.
Fun to learn the fingerpicking in this classic song, Carl. Thanks!