Territorial Pissings Guitar Lesson – Nirvana
In this quick Territorial Pissings guitar lesson video, I will show you how to play this high energy in-your-face grunge rock classic off of Nirvana's album Nevermind.
The original recording uses standard tuning just like we will use in this video lesson.
There is a little guitar layering going on in the short intro and I will demonstrate how to recreate that.
From there, Kurt Cobain launches into the main riff of the song. It is this riff that you will play for 90% of the song.
If you watch live videos of Kurt Cobain playing "Territorial Pissings", you will notice that he uses a slightly different approach to playing the main riff than can be heard on the original recording. I will show you how to play both ways so you can play it the way that you like the best.
The only other riff in the song is the bridge section which uses some quick palm-muted bursts. I will demonstrate the picking pattern for that riff along with the one power chord used in the frethand.
Hopefully after watching this video for just a few minutes you will have this fun song down.
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