The Beatles – Strawberry Fields Forever Guitar Lesson

In this Strawberry Fields Forever guitar lesson video, I will show you how to play all of the guitar chords to this classic by The Beatles. "Strawberry Fields Forever" was considered by John Lennon to be his greatest work!

The tuning for this song is a little bit ambiguous. This was caused by the final cut being two different versions of the song spliced together. One was fast and the other slower. The slower one was sped up a bit and the faster one slowed down a bit. This changed the pitch and it actually ends up being somewhere between the keys of A major and Bb major.

I have chosen to play it in Bb major for this lesson. I will use a standard tuned guitar with a capo at the 1st fret.

I will be recreating music from many different instruments to be played on a solo acoustic guitar. This always makes for a few awkward parts, but I think the beautiful music you will have under fingers at the end will be well worth the effort.

The song itself consists mostly of just a verse section and chorus section. However, the verse section has lots of variations thrown in there, especially with the cello section bass lines.

I will show you how to play all of those parts on the guitar as well.

Also, I have transcribed the cool little Indian harp licks heard after the second and third chorus. Those are probably my favorite parts of the song and are very fun to play!

There is a little bit of real guitar on the original recording but it is mostly used for coloring so I don't focus on it. Instead I am trying to show you a way to play ALL of the music on one guitar.

There is a cool guitar lick at the very end of the song which I will show note-for-note.

Good Luck!


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The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever Guitar Lesson


  1. Juha Lehtovaara on April 8, 2017 at 9:30 am

    No video?

    • Carl Brown on April 8, 2017 at 10:10 am

      Sorry, you found this page in the short few minutes between when the page was published and the video went live on youtube. I have to publish the page first.

      It should be good now though. 🙂

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