The Sounds Of Silence Guitar Lesson – Simon & Garfunkel
In this Sounds Of Silence guitar lesson video, I will demonstrate how to play the original acoustic version of this masterpiece off of Simon & Garfunkel's debut studio album, Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M. The more popular recording of this song contains a bunch of electric guitar riffs overdubbed onto the original recording without Simon & Garfunkels' knowledge. I think the original version is the best and as a bonus can be played with just one acoustic guitar.
The tuning is standard tuning with a capo at the 6th fret.
The beginning of "The Sounds Of Silence" is fingerpicked and contains some beautiful guitar lines that complement the haunting vocals in a great way.
I will take you through this entire fingerstyle section note-for-note.
After that, Paul Simon switches to a more upbeat strummed guitar style. The rhythm is pretty simple, but he uses a lot of chord variations to keep things interesting. The variations are pretty consistent during the repeats though, so once you get through the strummed chords once, you will pretty much know the rest of the song.
I hope you enjoy learning this acoustic masterpiece from Simon & Garfunkel.
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