Tiny Dancer Guitar Lesson – Elton John

In this acoustic guitar lesson, I will show you how to play the Elton John classic "Tiny Dancer" on the guitar.

There is a ton of great chord work to learn in this Tiny Dancer guitar lesson. This is due in large part because I am going to be transcribing all of those piano chords so that they are playable on the guitar. You will find many chord inversions being used throughout the song.

You can find chord inversions played on the guitar in many popular songs, but they do lend themselves to piano a lot easier. So when you are trying to play a piano song on the guitar you are almost always going to run into quite a few of them.

Don't worry about that though, you will find that if you can play simple bar chords you will easily be able to get this guitar transcription of this Elton John classic down in no time.

The verses are very long and may require a little bit of patience in memorizing the chords. It would also be a great idea to know the sound of the song very well. If you do that, you will find that you will just naturally learn the song much faster because your ears will tend to guide the way.

As for the picking, a basic strumming style will do fine, but you will notice in the video lesson that I tend to arpeggiate a lot of the chords. This is simply my attempt to recreate the same vibe as the piano parts but you can feel free to do what you want with it.

I hope you guys enjoy learning one of the greatest songs of the 70's! It is certainly gonna be a big hit by the campfire!


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Tiny Dancer Guitar Lesson - Elton John

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