Weekly Guitar Technique Workout
In this weekly guitar technique workout series I am going to try and give you a solid way of practicing various guitar techniques in an organized manner.
When trying to learn to master all the various techniques one can do on the guitar it can be quite confusing and frustrating trying to figure out how to practice them all.
So what this weekly guitar technique workout will provide you is a steady progression of lessons that encompass pretty much every technique imaginable on the guitar.
The idea is to take each weekly guitar technique workout and eventually practice them together back to back everyday during your practice sessions.
The focus with this kind of technique study is not only on proper technique, but also on endurance. The first few workouts will be more basic but also make a great warmup for more advanced guitar players.
As I add more weekly guitar technique workouts they will become more challenging and encompass and enormous amount of guitar techniques. But hopefully, you can start combining all of these individual weekly guitar workouts into one large guitar technique workout that you can play through everyday or at least a few times a week.
This is a big undertaking on my part, but if you meet me half way and study the weekly guitar technique workouts thoroughly I think just about anyone will become a more well rounded player with great stamina.
So buckle up and let's get down to business! 🙂
Weekly Guitar Technique Workout
Week 1 Guitar Technique Workout
Week 2 Guitar Technique Workout
Week 3 Guitar Technique Workout
Week 4 Guitar Technique Workout
Week 5 Guitar Technique Workout
Week 6 Guitar Technique Workout
Week 7 Guitar Technique Workout
Week 8 Guitar Technique Workout