Hangar 18 Guitar Lesson – Megadeth

In this Hangar 18 guitar lesson video series, I will show you how to play all of this Megadeth classic off of their incredible 1990 album Rust in Peace note-for-note.

The intro to "Hangar 18" starts with a driving triad based rhythm that just continually builds tension. Following that opening riff, the rhythm lays back a bit and we play a variation on the opening riff.

In the first Hangar 18 guitar lesson below, I will demonstrate how to play both of these riffs note-for-note. They are a great exercise in fast downstrokes, playing triads and arpeggiated picking with quick shifts.

I remember when I first heard Megadeth's Rust In Peace album and quite specifically "Hangar 18". "Hangar 18" is an absolute tour de force of killer guitar riffs and virtuosic guitar soloing by both Dave Mustaine and Marty Friedman.

Starting in the second video lesson we will cover the harmonized a guitar riff that also makes up the verse. I will demonstrate both Dave Mustaine and Marty Friedman's guitar parts.

After that verse riff we will begin the in-depth look at the guitar solos. This second video lesson will cover the first 3 guitar solos performed by Marty Friedman and all of Dave Mustaine riffs under those solos.

These solos are simply put, amazing. Guitarist Marty Friedman has a knack of coming up with incredibly melodic yet completely original guitar solos. "Hangar 18" contains some of his best work. He uses so many guitar techniques it would take to long to list them here.

I will take you through each solo phrase-by-phrase and break down all of those techniques in detail.

In the third and final video lesson for "Hangar 18", I will finish off this song lesson series by looking at all the remaining guitar solos and riffs found in "Hangar 18".

In these remaining solos, Dave Mustaine and Marty Friedman trade-off back and forth in sort of a guitar soloing dual. It is pretty easy to hear the difference in each player's soloing style. Dave Mustaine has a very aggressive a pattern based style. Marty Friedman prefers disjointed and unusual guitar lines that meld perfectly with the heavy metal backdrop.

Regardless of which soloing style you prefer, there is something great to learn for just about any advanced metal guitar player in these lessons.

For those of you able to take on the challenge and accomplish learning the whole song including all of the solos, you will be able to say you have conquered one of the high watermarks of the metal guitar world. Good Luck!


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Hangar 18 Guitar Lesson Pt.1 - Megadeth

Hangar 18 Guitar Lesson Pt.2 - Megadeth

Hangar 18 Guitar Lesson Pt.3 - Megadeth


  1. robert hutchinson on April 17, 2015 at 5:00 pm

    Hello Carl I’m Bob, I just signed up about a month ago. I have been try’ing to play my guitar for about two years now, it is an ibanez gio I love playing it, but until I started learning from you I was horrible. I am doing the classical lessons, and I love your teaching style you are a great teacher. I have just begun sor study #5, but when my finger tips get deeply creased and sore I play one of your other rockin lessons for a bit then back to the study. So far you taught me “you shook me all night long”, “Don’t fear the reaper” and “Hangar 18”. I was floored when I first heard hangar 18 way back when and love being able to play it now, My favorite part is when you slide up the neck and vibrato the string, it souds so cool. I would like to vote for this whole song to be done but I have no google or you tube account so my vote does not count when I press like. Your performance video’s are awesome to watch and also very helpful in learning a song. Oh ya, you also taught me “Dust in the wind” great song tricky picking at first, now I can play it with my eyes closed. Thank you for having such a great site I’m going back to practice some more. bye.

    • Carl Brown on April 18, 2015 at 11:16 am

      Thanks for the message and Bob and thanks a TON for watching my lessons.

      I am planning on finishing up Hangar 18 in the coming months. It is obviously a big project because there is so much crazy guitar stuff in it. But it would be a nice challenge. 🙂

      Oh and as soon as my new classical guitar arrives there will be a lot more classical lessons added to the site!


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