Ho Hey Guitar Lesson – The Lumineers
In this quick little guitar lesson, I will show you all the chords to The Lumineers smash acoustic hit, "Ho Hey".
This Ho Hey guitar lesson will be great for any beginner guitarist that wants to get a great song under their fingers without too much of a challenge.
Luckily, we are in standard tuning for this one, we don't need to use a capo AND there are no bar chords to contend with either.
This will allow you to fully focus on the rhythm hand and it's strumming patterns, which are varied throughout the song. These rhythm patters are basic throughout, but still maintain plenty of interest by smoothly changing from one to the other throughout the different sections of the song.
I think the most challenging part of the song will be the bridge due to the unique length that each chord is held. You need to know exactly how many beats each chord is strummed before moving to the next. At that part in the video lesson, I will break it down for you so it should be very easy to understand while following along with the original recording.
Have fun guys!
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