Jailhouse Rock Guitar Lesson – Elvis Presley

Released in 1957, "Jailhouse Rock" became a huge hit for Elvis Presley. Written by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller, it's high energy rockabilly style helped Elvis reach even bigger heights in his career.

In this Jailhouse Rock guitar lesson video, I will demonstrate all the chords and riffs played throughout the entire song and for good measure I will also teach you the guitar solo note-for-note.

The main chord form used during the verse might seem like a big stretch to you. It will be a familiar chord shape if you know the basic CAGED chord system. If you don't, be sure to check it out here at GL365.

The chorus revolves a repeated picking sequence around a basic I - IV - V progression in E. It may be a good idea to simply learn this picking sequence without moving around so you can get the alternate picking coordination down. Then it should be an easy process to move it around.

The guitar solo is pretty short but sweet. You will be playing some double-stops, a unison bend and a bar chord within this solo. The most important thing is to stay locked into the groove. The notes themselves won't be very challenging for most intermediate level players.

I hope you guys enjoy learning one of the original rock classics!


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Jailhouse Rock Guitar Lesson - Elvis Presley

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  1. George Kerr on December 26, 2017 at 9:42 am

    Jow about rock arpund the clock.

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