Nowhere Man Guitar Lesson – The Beatles

In this quick and easy video guitar lesson, I will show you all the chords and guitar solo for "Nowhere Man" by The Beatles.

Appearing on the British version of their album Rubber Soul, "Nowhere Man" was written by John Lennon (credited Lennon, McCartney), and was a big departure for the band lyrically.

This Nowhere Man guitar lesson will show you how to play the simple chords that make up this song and there will also be a note-for-note breakdown of George Harrison's solo.

The entire lesson is taught on acoustic guitar even though there is a lot of electric guitar work throughout the song. Learning this on electric or acoustic will be fine. Standard tuning is used throughout.

There are basically two chord progressions for the entire song. The main issue for beginning level players will be the bar chords. If you have trouble with those, check out my bar chord lessons and they will help get you up to speed with them.

George Harrison's guitar solo is a clever little thing that uses the underlying chords to a great effect. It is played in a sort of chord melody style where the harmony is played and sustained as the melody continues on top. It produces a nice full sound when done correctly.

So have fun learning this great song by The Beatles! Now if you can only find a couple people to help with those vocal harmonies you will be set. 🙂 Enjoy!


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Nowhere Man Guitar Lesson - The Beatles

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