Fast Country Guitar Cascades

In this free video guitar lesson we will continue our "Lick Of The Week" guitar lesson series with a cool cascading country guitar lick using open strings, hybrid picking, fretted notes, hammer-ons and slides to create a mesmerizing flurry of notes.

This style of guitar is used very frequently by great players such as Albert Lee, Brad Paisley, Brent Mason, Chet Atkins, Roy Buchanan, Johnny Hiland and James Burton.

Within this video guitar lesson I will take you through the lick in both the left and rights hands so you can see exactly how these types of of cascading country guitar licks are played. From there, hopefully you will understand how to create you own guitar licks in this style.

Grab the PDF TAB download for this lesson below so the video lesson will be easier to follow.

Cascading Country Guitar Lick TAB PDF

So learn this lick and whip it out the next time you are jamming with friends, it will definitely get their attention!! 😀

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Country Guitar Cascades "Lick Of The Week"


  1. tweedguitar on September 1, 2010 at 12:14 pm

    Hey Carl,
    Thanks for the Country Hybrid Picking Lesson. This gives great insight into the signature rolling or “Cascading” sound achieved through use of open strings and chromatic notes.
    Much appreciated,

  2. jayanth kumar ogirala on September 2, 2010 at 7:13 pm

    Hi dear Carl, Thank you for fast and easy country cascades guitar lessons ” lick of the week ” Nice Lick Made by You. It is very Interesting and melodious.This type of licks more expecting. Jayanth kumar ogirala, Hyderabad, INDIA.

    • Carl Brown on September 3, 2010 at 3:46 pm

      Thanks Jayanth, the “Lick Of The Week” series is always a fun one for me to do so there will certainly be many more to come!!

      Cheers!! Carl.. 😀

  3. Tyler on October 11, 2013 at 3:09 pm

    I’ve heard canon rock is very nice, Carl you’ve already thought about teaching that song? I certainly watch and show to my friends.
    Thanks for the lessons !

  4. Alan Leary on February 19, 2015 at 5:53 pm

    Carl – would love more country lessons – I am working my way through the jazz and blues integration of scales and arpeggios- but cannot seem to find that country flavour. Tne only country song I can play is Jerry’s breakdown- but when it comes to playing country style lead – I am nowhere/ I say lead but country style often has a unique type of lead running through much of a song. aka John Hiland Brad paisley- This maybe a series not just a one lesson.

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